Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I thought I would put down the numbers from 2008 really quick. I ended up with 395 hours, 5129 miles, about 2000 of which was on the MTB. Half of my time was spent on the MTB- hopefully I can step that up a bit more this year.

With 5 race wins and the State Championship, it turned out to be a really good year. Collegiate season was pretty anticlimactic after such a good summer season, but with my training plan this year (a lot more base), I think that shouldn't happen next fall (of course if I go out east or out west, I am probably going to get my butt kicked anyway).

So now it is time to ride lots. Last week I put 15 hours in, with 200 miles outside. This week has been a little harder to get outside, but I am still putting a good amount of time in. (Yes, I cracked and started riding inside- there are some days it just isn't worth it to freeze my butt off.)

1 comment:

Mike said...

I wish that I could have my heart rate monitors last a whole year so I could actually see how many hours I spend on the ol bike. I guess I could switch to a paper format, blah.