The spring breaks started with Steve, his brother Greg, and sister-in-law Jen coming out for a skiing trip. Unfortunately for them, it hadn't snowed here for three weeks before they came and it was unusually warm in Montana. So snow conditions were sub-par for what they came for. We still enjoyed the skiing, a couple days at Bridger Bowl and a couple days at Big Sky. We did some really fun runs including down the Schlesman's lift at Bridger and off of Lone Peak at Big Sky (which both were about 40 minute runs). Here is a picture of Steve and me on Lone Peak- 11,166 ft high.
I also went for a couple hikes. The unusually warm weather has melted a lot of the snow, especially on the southern facing slopes, so it made for some relatively dry hikes. Here is a picture of a river on one of the hikes I went on.
Well that's about it. I had two very good spring breaks and I had a lot of fun with Steve and Greg and Jen.
Race season is about to start. I think I am racing this weekend in Seattle, so look forward to hearing about that.
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