Monday, September 28, 2009

The Boots

If you thought I looked awesome in my Dwight glasses (Previous Post), wait until you see me in these babies...
Now I just need to get a sweet hat and a bigger belt buckle to complete the outfit...


Mike said...

Nice boots dude! They are truly the jean shorts of Montana.

Caroline said...

I was looking at Mike's blog because he's pushing for a bunch of hits before he meets his year mark and then I clicked the link to yours, read your post, and then wondered what these Dwight glasses were. After searching forever I found them. Lesson to be learned: instead of rereading Atlas Shrugged or the Fountainhead, read your entire blog- it's about as long. :o)

Mr. B said...

Nick- I want a pair just like them.
NOT. Glad things are well. Looking forward to seeing you next month. Mike got me on a training plan that should insure that i am dead just before the race.
See you soon.
Mr. B

Unknown said...

Caroline, another lesson to be learned: I have a hyperlink in this post back to the Dwight glasses post (Old Post)

Mr. B, I think those boots would go really well with those short jean shorts Mike and Kelly tell me about. Can't wait to see you either.

Melissa said...

Love the boots! Once you master riding a bull, the buckle will surely follow. Looking forward to your next post. Maybe it'll be on the dance floor or the mechanic bull?

Mike - jean shorts of Montana? Ha ha!