Monday, August 31, 2009

Leverich Canyon Crank Up

On Saturday, I raced again here in Montana at a trail called Leverich Canyon that is just a couple miles south of Bozeman. The trail was 6 miles per lap with 1000 feet of climbing per lap. I did four laps. Here is the elevation profile they had listed on the website:
The race was really hard and to be honest, I am really starting to get sick of climbing and descending so much. They are usually equally as painful when they are sustained for so long. I find myself wishing for the downhill when I am going uphill and wishing for the uphill when I am going downhill. Its not too often I can say to myself "man, this is fun." But I guess I better get used to it...

I ended up getting fourth place out of eight riders in the Pro/Cat. 1 field. I am pretty happy with the result considering I am still new to the whole climbing forever then descending forever thing. I was talking to the guy who won the past two weekends and he said I chose the hardest two races in MT to start out on. So I guess that is encouraging.

In other news, Congratulations to Kelly for being the 2009 MI State Champion for her age class!! Kelly raced at Stony Creek on Sunday to finish the Tailwind State Championship series and she clinched her win and the free Iceman entry! She is giving Team BCB something to be proud of.
Congrats Kelly!!


Mike said...

Lets hope you don't get sick of climbing, because tunneling under the mountains would prabley more unbearable!

Mr. B said...

Hey Nick Welcome to the club, I feel like I am always doing that here in michigan.
Great Job on the race and blog.
Hope all is going good at school as well.
See you at IceMan,
Mr. B